First of all, this is Aimee and I’m not a huge fan of the all lowercase lettering (or of Jeremy referring to the months Feb, Mar, Apr and May as “the gauntlet”), so you will be seeing some capitalization.
I feel I need to clarify some things regarding the backyard. First, I want to make it clear that I don’t want to discredit Jeremy’s manhood or underestimate any of the hard work he has done, nor do I want to come across ungrateful. But, you should know that when I describe the backyard to people I refer to it as a ‘dog run’ because it is more the size of a dog run than a backyard. Yes, it has actually brought tears to my eyes on more than one occasion as I look at the very small area (which is about 6 feet from the back door to the back wall) our 3 boys have to be boys in.
In fact, last year, just after we’d moved in Jameson was arguing with me over whether we actually had a backyard or not. He kept saying we didn’t have a backyard and I kept saying that we did. (It was one of those moments as a Mom when you totally see where your child is coming from, but you are doing your best to make the situation as good as you can.) Jameson finally came out and said to me, “Our backyard is too small to be a backyard just like Pluto’s too small to be a planet!” This was the first of probably many times to come where Jameson left me speechless. I did laugh. Well said, Jameson. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen Jeremy so proud when I told him what Jameson had said. Jeremy felt Jameson was already ready to take the LSAT!
So, although Jeremy has done a wonderful, not to mention beautiful job with the backyard, I just want to make sure no one is picturing what I would envision a standard yard to look like- it is more like a dog run.
Monday, April 28, 2008
The backyardagain...
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