Sunday, July 6, 2008

bay area and back

a couple of weeks ago we packed up el santo and headed to the bay area for the weekend. why you ask... we love spending money on gas and driving for 9 hours with three young boys. actually, that's really not the reason. the real reason we headed back to the bay area was threefold: 1. we missed it really, really, really bad 2. i needed a break from bar studying (so i only studied on the drive up and back while aim drove) and the biggest reason: 3. two good friends of mine got married in menlo park.

we had a great time. the weather was warm when we got there, but it cooled off quickly. it was nice visiting old friends and favorite places. special thanks to the halls for putting up with us for a few nights. you guys were wonderful hosts and very hospitable.

we also especially want to thank whit and debbie for inviting us to their wonderful wedding. i worked with whit and debbie at pwc back in the day. they are two of the greatest people i have ever met (no hyperbole there). i know some of you are wondering, and just so we are clear: while whit is short for whitney, whit is a man and debbie is a woman. whit is from texas.

moving on... the wedding was great except for the fact that i missed most of it because we thought our boys might actually sit still and enjoy the ceremony, but that's what studying in a car for nine hours will do to you. instead, i spent most of the wedding out in the hall with caleb and colston. nonetheless, i enjoyed what i saw. moreover, the reception in san francisco was amazing. the place where we ate was right on the bay and the weather was beautiful. we had a picturesque view of the bridge and the water. plus, after we finished eating whit and debbie surprised everyone with a cruise on a yacht (i think it was a yacht, could have been a ferry, but that's way too susceptible to bad jokes given the setting and the timing) out on the bay with dancing and cake cutting. we made our way under the golden gate bridge and back alongside a stunning panorama of one of the coolest cities in the world. unfortunately, i left the camera in the car and so i did not get any good pics to share. that evening was just what aim and i needed. we are very glad we went and grateful for the good friends who invited us and the new friends we made while there.

before we left, we made our way to santa cruz for a half a day at the beach. the boys were in heaven. aim was in heaven. i was in bar studying heaven which is more like hell. i tried to make the most of the situation by studying on the beach while the rest of the fam played. good times. fortunately, i did have the camera for the beach and got some good pics, but before you all get too excited, you'll need to realize that there are no pics of me in my swimwear.

take a peek at the video. hopefully we will get some photos from san francisco soon that we can post here.



Anonymous said...

I miss so much the bay area myself. Seems the last pics of the movie were shot at the community we used to live (tears).
The kids look marvelous.

We all miss you.


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