Tuesday, April 20, 2010

defining tlc: the princess and the pig

i may have mentioned that mrs. blogmaster has been a little under the weather lately. well, that was like two weeks ago, but tonight, even as i sit here tardily typing only my second post this month, mrs. b lay in bed still not fully recovered from what's been ailing her ever since her birthday.

turns out the apple of my eye's tonsils are about four times their normal size (per a medically trained professional). knowing that her tonsils are uncannily enlarged makes aim feel like a freak of nature.... or superfreak, if you will. i tend to prefer the term "mutant" to "freak" as such a label gives her a better chance of being able to join a group of superheros like the x-men, and then wear spandex all the time and go by some wicked awesome nickname like the tonsilator or tonskillz. what have you. i only bring up aim's afflictions so that you, my beloved zombies, may play a pivotal part in settling a point of dispute between the mrs. and me.

the origin of this particular debate reared its controversial head some three or four days ago as i sat dutifully at my dear wife's side on what one could have easily perceived to be aim's deathbed. fortunately, for all our sake, reality was getting the better of any misconstrued perceptions of my muse mustering her last breaths and that dour old chap better known as the grim reaper was no where near knocking at mrs. blogmaster's door. alas, mrs. blogmaster seemed unaware of the science of the matter and, in an effort to curry some compassion from her companion (i.e., me), the lass locked her longing eyes with mine and lamented that she was in need of some tlc.

ever so anxious to please, i grabbed hold of this information and made every effort to internalize it accurately and to its fullest extent so that i might give that which my dear wife desired at that moment. unfortunately, in my mind, the term "tlc" was not entirely clear to me as i figured it could be interpreted in at least one of three different ways.

first option: tlc could mean the grammy award winning american girl-group, consisting of tionne "t-boz" watkins, lisa "left eye" lopes, and rozonda "chilli" thomas. if i'm not mistaken, these gals were at their musical peak during aim's high school years meaning this trio of r&b crooners could have had an immeasurable impact on her impressionable life in such a way that she continues to look back on said heroines as a source of strength and healing. fortunately, i know aim well enough to know that even now as she is reading these very words she hasn't the slightest clue in infierno as to who tlc is. thus, it is unlikely she was referring to them when asking for some tlc and i was successfully able to eliminate this option from consideration.

with r&b out the door, tlc could only mean one of two things: (1) either mrs. blogmaster wanted to cuddle and particpate in every derivative innocuous form of cuddling known to man or (2) she wanted to participate in a more mature form of cuddling. therein lie the dilemma and i was hellbent on getting this right for the sake of my suffering wife.

at first glance, many of you might not think this quandary to be as quizzical as i'm making out to be... and you're probably right as it's probably not. but, sometimes you just have to be sure, because, for instance, if i were to say i wanted some tlc, it would most likely mean something slightly different than if my wife, or pretty much every other woman in the world, were to say they wanted some tlc. but, you never know... so, i had to be sure.

that being said, i thought to myself, "let's not play games here... let's get to the bottom of this." i knew in all liklihood she probably wanted to cuddle, communicate, read books, paint toenails, braid hair, go for a walk on the beach, participate in a dramatic reading of twighlight, or pretty much any other activity known to man other than the alternative form of "mature" cuddling... in fact, i estimated that there was about a 99% chance that the former forms of cuddling were the types of cuddling she was wont to particpate in, e.g. the non-mature cuddling activities.

however, as you may have surmised, there was still a 1% chance that she might have meant "mature" cuddling and if that were the case i wanted to be sure i was there for her in whatever way she needed me to be. and, so, to be sure i just flat out asked, "just so we're clear, when you say "cuddle" you're not saying you'd like to engage in "mature cuddling" (or something like that), right?"

i can't recall mrs. blogmaster's exact response, but let's just say she made it abundantly clear, in no uncertain terms, that she was in league with pretty much the rest of the female world in how she would define tlc. and, as expected, it was nowhere near what i would have expected it to be had i asked for the same. for a minute there, i was hoping she might strive for new heights of greatness by distinguishing herself from the rest of the female species. you know, rise above traditioal stereotypes of what a woman should want... guess she's just one of the sheep.

on the bright side of things, i guess we know now and, as a result, i don't ever have to make the embarrassing mistake of assuming "tlc" means something that it clearly does not. crisis averted. problem solved. myth busted.

we all lived happily ever after... at least until aimee decided to poll everyone she's come across since by inquiring as to what they mean when they or their wives ask for a little tlc. turns out, not to my surprise, that most guys lie when answering and most women agree with my wife to the point where during one such polling a female friend finally turned to me and said in a "this-pretty-much-confirms-what-we-already-knew" tone of voice: "well, jeremy, i guess you're a pig."

maybe... but, i must ask: what's so piggish about wanting to listen to a little ionne "t-boz" watkins, lisa "left eye" lopes, and rozonda "chilli" thomas when i'm in the mood for some tlc?


Kelly said...

Jeremy you are so funny!!! I loved the title of this post and continued reading to find I loved the post itself even more. I am going to have to get Erik on here to read it. But seeing as he doesn't EVER read my blog, I don't know if I can get him to visit yours, although yours is much more entertaining than mine. I especially want Erik to read your ideas for the 99% meaning of tlc, paint toenails, braid hair, etc. If you really do all those things with Aim you just went up a knotch in my book! :) I hope Aimee feels better, she really has been sick for a long time. Let me know if you guys need anything!

the cooperfive said...


i'm glad you liked the post. i'm sure erik has already read the post as i'm sure he checks the blog at least 3 times each day. in my defense, lest everyone think i'm a total pig, i have done each one of those "tlc" activities at least once during our marriage... yes, even a dramatic reading of twilight, although melodramatic mockery might be a more fitting description.

Kollen Marchant said...

I just don't even know where to start. Are you insane? I feel sorry for Aimee. And referring to women as sheep and following the masses. I think you are a little out of touch and need some serious counseling. It's amazing that Aimee puts up with you. Now I mean no offense by this but your lucky Aimee is Aimee because if it were me you would be sleeping on the couch doing your own laundry!

Eliza said...

I can absolutely see where your confusion came in. For myself, when I request TLC - there is really no other interpretation that can be put on it...I am expecting "waterfalls" or some equally riveting song to begin immediately either through speakers or a live tribute to the greatest female trio ever created.

As always - very funny post. I can appreciate and dare I even say respect that you verbalize what guys are really thinking. I don't find you at all out of touch...just refreshingly honest.

emcghee said...

Good Stuff!

Reminds me of the comment by Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber (though in a slightly different context) . . . "So your saying there's a chance!?"

I love that you went for it when in your own mind there was a 1% chance!

emcghee said...

Wow, just read a couple of the other comments. There's a harsh one out there! Just for the record, I don't think your a pig! Ben's never come close to doing some of the things that you do with/for Aim, (read books, paint toenails, braid hair, participate in a dramatic reading of twighlight).

So is she feeling better?

Maybe she should try some mature tlc?? I'm just saying . .

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